ABOLISHING THE IGNOMINIOUS Vociferous Obsolescence CD Usa COY 185-17
Date Release: 15.12.17
Formed in 2016 with former members of Animals Killing People, Abolishing The Ignominious attempts to bring forth new levels of Technical Brutal Death Metal with influences from Immolation, Internal Suffering and Disgorge with their debut recording titled “Vociferous Obsolescence” on Coyote Records.
Joseph Luciano (Guitar, Drum, Bass) (Ex – Animals Killing People, Andromorphus Rexalia, Last Breath Of Man, Injurious, Disgruntled Anthropophagi, Manipulated Calmity).
Eston Browne (Vocals, Lyrics) (Ex – Animals Killing People, Ex – Humanity Falls, Ex – Gigan, Ex – Merciless Mutilation).
For fans of Immolation, Internal Suffering and Disgorge.
1.Born Into False Exaltation
2.Animosity Path
3.Embracing Death, Abandon Life
4.The Ones That Perished
5.Tormenting Depression
6.Abolishing The Ignominious